The good news: two pairs of mittens finished.
The bad nwes: these wil be for me as there are mistakes...
First up, Jane Richmond's Woodstack Mittens. I bought this pattern when it was discounted in te annual ravelry Indie Designers sale. The pattern calls for DK and is in three adult sizes. A little bit of easy texture to break up the boredom of plain stocking stitch.
Mods - I knitted the thumbs before the hands. I find it easier to darn in ends and it leaves less of a hole this way.
Mistakes? Needle size. I'd only put in the main needle size I3.75mm and not the ribbing needle size.. I'd thought I'd probably have used a 3mm or 3.25mm, but after checking my 'circulars stuck in the crochet blanket (not put away!) I could only find a 3.50mm needle. Not correct. Teh ribing is looser. Not only that, but the body Ineedle I'd used on the first mitten was NOT 3.75mm, but 3.50mm. The mittens are nearly the same size but not exqactly :)
The second pair of mittens are TinCanKnits The World's Easiest Mittens, A basic pattern, four weights and sized from toddler to large adult. These were knitted in Artesano Aran knitted as chunky weight. I knitted the Adult Medium, thinking that with my tension I could knit these for MrC. Not so. they fit me.
As usual, I knitted thumbs first. The top of the mitten is quite shallow, decreasing every row, until (in my szie) 8 sts remained. The yarn was cut and threaded through to close the top and I thought this left a little bump and the top didn't quite lie flat, so mitten #2 top was grafted. To be fair the mittens aren't blocked and there's not that much difference betwwen the two mittens. I think that I'll mke anothe rpair in the larger size for MrC.