New Year Resolutions, the fantasy list:
- deep clean the entire flat
- organise all drawers. cupbarods, wardbrobes and shelves
- clean regularly
- eat more fruit and veg
- eat less cake and crisps
- take a little exercise
- sort out my entire stash and put it on ravelry
- overhaul my stash on ravelry
- organize my ravelry queue
- knit more
My actual New Year resolutions
That's it. Boring I know, but when you live in a tiny flat overflowing with clutter, it's a massive challenge. There's a bookcase in the bedroom which I've not been able to reach because of MrC's clutter (his side of the room!) for YEARS. There's at least three big boxes under the bed which have been undisturbed for at least 10 years. MrC's stuff, documents, old kitchen stuff from a previous flat, electrical cables and old plugs. Really. One of his old neighbours at the marina once told him that htey have a one year rule - if it's not been used for a year, get rid of. I couldn't be as strict as that (most of my stash is older than that!) but possibly a five year rule for clothes and junk! We're both magpies, though I always have an end of year declutter for knitted itmes.
For January I'm starting off slowly (it is nearly half over)
- knit MrC a sleep hat
- finish Dust of Snow shawl (I'm 5/12 done)
As I've already done some decluttering this month - three bin bags have gone to the charity shop or recycle bin - I'm going to tidy up the box under our coffee table which contains my ball winders, project bags and other miscellaneious stuff relating to knitting equipmentn and shred some mail. Might even tidy up a couple of shelves in the living room (which I can't reach becasue of all the clutter!_ and give them a good clean!
I had a good declutter more than a year ago but the clutter is moving back in again! When I'm in the mood I go round again!
Posted by: Ailsa Underwood | January 12, 2019 at 11:45 AM