Let's look at February. Seven goals.
- Take photos of all FOs and post to ravelry. FAIL. OK. my phone camera doesn't work too well, but that's no excuse for not updating ravelry! Easier to update as I go rather than trying to remember which needle I've used!
- Finish 3 Color cowl. Done. Ends darned in and washed. No photos yet.
- Knit a Baby Sophisticate. Done. Ends darned in, buttons on and washed.
- Knit another baby cardigan. Bug Warmer, a free jpattern on ravelry. Open (nbo buttons). Done, Ends darned in, and washed.
- Knit baby hat #1 - FAO;
- knit baby hat #2 - FAIL
- start an adult garment - FAIL
Not great, but it was a short month and by Saturday (whoch ordinarily would be the same month} I'd completed three of the goals.
I had another FO. Instead of kntiting baby hats I realised that I had enough yarn left to knit aother baby garment, so I did. I'm going to have to look on ravelry to see which pattern it is! All done,e xcept darning in ends and sewing on buttons. I managed to use a thin enough nedle to fit through the buttons, using aran for Baby Sophisticate but couldn't squarsh the yarn though the eye this time,. I suspect I used a slightly bigger needle, but I've lost my needle case since then so can't do any darning or adding buttons. Harumph.
Now for March
1 baby hat #1 - alrady done, I just need to darn in ends and wash
2 baby hat #2 - ditto
3 baby hat #3
For all of these hats I'm casting on 50sts and knitting.
4 knit Hyphen, another baby cardigan. I have the yarn already in my knitting bag and the pattern's in my queue
5 continue with the adult garment.
6 start some socks
7 start a cowl
8 start some fingerless mitts
10 take some dodgy photos with my dodgy phone camera
Lots of goals but some are will take no time at all. I've chosen to start a few tings so I've got good variety in WIPs. I'd like to knit a garter shawl, but will put this off in case I fancy a Spring cardigan instead.
Happy knitting!