Last wewekend I cast on Avalanch, a design by Heidi Kirrmaier. A top down jumper, palin sleeves and a patterned front, consisting of a central lace designa and two 2x2 cables each side. Four balls (of Cashmerino aran, trhee inches past the armholes, and I'm frogging. I had a change of heart and decided that I didn't fancy a lace panel at this time, in this yarn. I'd also found a ladder, near the cables, all the way dow to the start of the pattern, had to pick it up as a purl and then purl it together with the actual purl stitch already on the needles. Last night I picked up the knitting, and realised IT WAS NOT A LADDERR, It was the yarnover before the ssk! I blame it on tiredness! I coudl, of cours, just drop the stitch again, and I'm sure that the stretched yarn would even out in the wash. Instead I decided to set this aside and knit the pattern another day, in another yarn. I really like the way she presents her patterns, and will definitely knit this soon.
Meanwhile. I've found (quickly for me, in an evening_ another pattern I want to knit. It's called Lemongrass, by Joji Locatelli. It's in aran weight ayrn, knitted at a loose tension (which suits me!), top down and oversized. The last time I knitted an oversized garment was probably in the eighties! Remember the first Rowan book, all super chinky and drop shoulder and very big and seamed. High time I knitted another.
This has an unusual construction. Starting at the top, you knit the yoke, then work front and back separately. You work the border on the sides and the bottom, and join front and back with one button each side. Neat.
I am having a bit of dilemna over the raglan increases. Each side of the raglan stitchmarker has a right or left twist 1x1 cable. The increases are worked in the centre of the twist, either a M1L or M1R (which I find fiddly at the best of times), one possibility, which I found on a ravelry project, is to do YOs and on the following row twist them to close the hole, which mihgt be an option. The twists are one stitch in from the marker, and thoat stitch is knitted, so theae twists are on a st st backround. My plan (which seems even easier) is to work to 4sts before the marker, kfb, work twist, k1, sm k1 work twist but knit fb on the second twist stitch. This ould mean I'd have a bump on the outside of the twist, and could work that as a purl on the non-increasing row. This seems so much easier. I can do the Left twist in my sleep, did a Gansey with lots of left wtwists. Right twists aren't so familiar but I know there's a way of knitting and dropping them off the needle in one swoop.
Tthat's what I'll be working on this weekend, practising my incresaes. And apologies if there are any typos. I'm currently enjoying a rather nice Prosecco courtesy of International Women's Day :)